Sunday, February 24, 2019

FLINTLOCK FANTASY: Campaign Notes VI: Gambling


In Thaumatrian culture the number 7 is considered bad luck, for it is the number of the Leviathans that nearly destroyed civilization centuries ago. Many Thaumatrians avoid the number all together; instead it is common to say “six and one”, for it acknowledges the Gift of the Carcassanc, one of the seven Leviathans that redeemed itself through noble sacrifice.

These Thaumatrian customs are reflected in a simple dice game called Leviathan Rising.

Leviathan Rising is a game of chance where players roll two six-sided dice – one Red, and one Black – and hope the total of the two dice is one of the preferred results. Each round the preferred results change, and the the odds of failure increases.

Before the game starts, all players agree on an buy-in amount that they must pay to qualify for the game.

Once everyone has paid their buy-in amount into the pool, all the players rolls 2d6 and tally the result; the player with the highest roll goes first, and play goes clockwise round the group.

In the first round, every player rolls 2d6 and adds them together. If the result is a 7 it is a failure, unless the roll is Black 6 Red 1, and they are out of the game. If the result is a success, they remain in the game and must roll again in the following round.

In the following rounds the Leviathan rises: the odds of failure increase, as listed below:

ROUND 1: “LEVIATHAN RISING” (86.11% / 31 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls a total of 7 they fail, UNLESS the result is Black 6 and Red 1.

ROUND 2: “SIX N’ EIGHTS” (58.33% / 21 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls a total of 6, 7, or 8 they fail, UNLESS the result is Black 6 and Red 1.

ROUND 3 “FIVE N’ NINES” (36.11% / 13 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls a total of 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 they fail, UNLESS the result is Black 6 and Red 1.

ROUND 4 “FOUR N’ TENS” (19.44% / 7 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls a total of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 they fail, UNLESS the result is Black 6 and Red 1.

ROUND 5 “THREE’LEVENS” (8.33% / 3 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls a total of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 they fail, UNLESS the result is Black 6 and Red 1.

ROUND 6 “TWO N’ TWELVES” or “SACRICARNE” (2.78% / 1 in 36 chance of success):
If a player rolls any result that is not a Black 6 and Red 1, they fail.

If only one player rolls a successful result in the round: they claim the pool of bets as their winnings.

If more than one player rolls a successful result in the round: they qualify for the following round.

If no player rolls a successful result and everyone fails: the game restarts at round 1 with the unclaimed bets going into the next pool. Every player who wishes to continue must pay the buy-in amount into the pool again and the game restarts, with players rolling to see who goes first as above.

The game is repeated until there is only one winner. If player leaves the game they forfeit any claim to the winnings or their bets. There is a long standing tradition of the winner sacrificing the original buy-in amount and giving it to the first player to get knocked out of the game, or should that player not be available, given as a donation to the nearest Church of Carcassara.


Leviathan Rising is entirely a game of chance; there is little player skill involved, and that’s part of its attraction: most people believe that it is impossible to cheat at the game.

They are wrong.

Skilled gamblers know how to nurture the dice so that they roll more favourably. It is very hard to do, and as each throw of the dice is heavily scrutinised, even harder to do without being seen. A Sleight of Hand check vs the opponent’s Perception check is required. Sharp-eyed onlookers may also make a Perception check. The Sleight of Hand check has a DC 20 or it has no effect at all. If successful, the player may choose to turn one the dice onto one adjacent face. If the result is 30+ the player may choose to turn both dice onto one adjacent face.

Additionally some gamblers like to use loaded dice that have a preference for a particular result. As everyone would benefit from their use, those that like to use loaded dice prefer to slip them into play only later on in the game, usually when there are only one or two other players still remaining. A Sleight of Hand check vs the opponent’s Perception check is required. Sharp-eyed onlookers may also make a Perception check. The Sleight of Hand check has a DC 15 or the player is unable to switch in their preferred dice and must continue play as normal.

Most Thaumatrians consider Leviathan Rising to be almost sacred game, and should a player be caught cheating they are very likely to be forced to duel their accuser to maintain their honour.

Many a fool has died in this way.


If anyone with more gambling skills than me thinks they can see problems or bits that don't work, lemme know so i can make this better!

1 comment:

  1. This is great; I like the simplicity and realism of the game. An actual gambling mini-game within The Game--very cool. Reminds of the dice games they play at bars in San Francisco, and the old English dice-box games.
